Thursday, October 23, 2008

Forward planning

Since comp I've been busy with work so cardio has been fairly nonexistant. But have been consistent with training - lots of compound exercises in the 6-8 rep range, and my appetite has been pretty 'healthy'. Have still been eating mostly what and when I want, mostly clean stuff during the week and a few treats in the weekends. Haven't weighed much (food or myself) in the last couple of weeks.

My parents are arriving at the end of the week and we are going away for a few days.

Am looking forward to seeing them, relaxing, and visiting a sheeps cheese factory and maybe a winery while we are away.

After we get back I am looking forward to getting back into my morning walks with the dog. Training intensity will be a bit lower as I will be focusing on some corrective exercises for structural imbalances for a couple of weeks, so will start to keep a closer eye on food intake/weight then.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008


First of all, congratulations to everyone who competed at the INBA nationals over the weekend.

I would also like to congratulate my husband Rob. Two weekends ago he won two silver medals at the Australian Jiu Jitsu Champions Cup, and this weekend he won his weight class at his club's tournament.

We have managed to manipulate his diet so that he weighs in at the very top of his weight class (giving him a strength advantage) without any depletion/dehydration the week beforehand. He has an eating plan that he uses in the comp season, which he adds treats to in the weekends. Depending on how he is tracking weight-wise a week or two out from comp, he just cuts out the treats and does a little more incidental exercise. This week he also stopped his grappling practice early in the week, giving him plenty of energy for today's fights.

Pics from today:

He has the Pan Pacific champs in two weeks, and after that he will be into his off season. He knows now that it is in his advantage not to put on too much bodyfat during this time as it takes a lot of work to get it off again to get to his ideal fighting weight. Now he knows what I go through, LOL.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

All Food is Good

Reading Katie's post about rules reminded me of an article I read recently about good food vs bad food:

All food is good
For a whole range of reasons we tend to classify foods as being ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Dietitian Glenn Cardwell suggests we change our way of thinking about food and drop the guilt trip. It’s about the ratio not the food he says in his new book, Getting Kids to Eat Well. Here’s an extract.

“How can all food be good for you? It doesn’t make sense and let’s face it, trustworthy friends, family and the media constantly remind us that there are bad foods that will harm us and our children. Ask yourself this, however: ‘If I eat potato chips or French fries once a month will it shorten my life or increase my chance of heart disease or getting fat?’ I suspect most of you will say ‘No’. What if you ate the same food five days a week? Your answer will probably be ‘Yes’.

We have been conditioned to think that food is either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. If I ask you to name a few good foods you are likely to list: fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and bread, lean meat, legumes, reduced fat milk or soy drink, and with a little more thought you might include nuts (unsalted, of course), peanut butter, rice and pasta and some of your famous home-made custard or pesto.

If I ask you to name the bad foods, your list might seem to be endless: fast foods, deep fried foods, soft drinks, confectionery, anything with caffeine, crisps, snack foods, coloured bits in breakfast cereals, candy floss, chocolate biscuits, hundreds and thousands … Be honest with yourself – aren’t some of those ‘bad’ foods also your favourite foods? Think about hot pizza on a cold Sunday evening when you couldn’t be bothered cooking, or chocolate melting over your tongue, or a cappuccino and croissants from that great café down the road overlooking the park?

How do you feel when you eat these foods? Guilty? Worried that the food is going to laugh maniacally, bypass your digestive system and leap onto your bottom to remain forever? It is common to feel ‘bad’ after eating ‘bad’ food.

How do you feel when you eat ‘good’ food? Pleased with yourself? Happy you have control over your food and your life? A glow from nourishing your body well?

How you classify food will determine how you feel after eating that food. Classifying food as ‘bad’ just means you feel bad after eating it. Calling it ‘bad’ has given that food a huge amount of power, a power it hardly deserves. Nature is designed such that you should feel grateful and happy after every repast. Feeling guilty or uncomfortable after eating is neither natural nor healthy.

Try spinning it all around. Start labelling a ‘bad’ food as a ‘good’ food. Now, the ‘bad’ foods will lose their emotional power. It can no longer make you feel bad or guilty. When you call a food ‘good’ instead of ‘bad’, the power actually returns to you. Here’s the tricky bit: it is now up to you to eat all foods in amounts that are good for your health and well-being.

Like you, I enjoy eating good quality food and feel much better for it. Indeed, one reason I like to make 90% of my food very nutritious is so I have some flexibility with the other 10% to enjoy, without guilt, some pizza, black jelly beans or corn chips. They may be high in saturated fat, sugar or salt, but as they comprise only 10% of the diet they have little chance to cause harm. This 90:10 mix works for me. You can even eat a nutritious diet based on a 80:20 mix, which is the common blend that most people can enjoy. If you go to a 70:30 mix then you will likely be getting too much fat, sugar and salt in your diet.

As a counter-point, I don’t think there is much benefit in trying to get a 100:0 ratio as you are likely to become food obsessive, striving to reach something called the ‘perfect’ diet. Nothing in life is perfect. Enjoying a treat is absolutely normal and makes life interesting. There is not a scrap of evidence that the occasional chocolate, bowl of premium ice cream or croissant ever led to anyone’s early demise.”

For more information, check out

Friday, October 17, 2008


'Before you go psycho trying to figure out your post workout meal or order the latest supplements, realize that if you can just consistently exercise and eat clean then the rest of this stuff just does not matter. ' (Jodi Jones, Cathy Savage Fitness)

My off season this year is all about keeping it simple. I plan to do weights three or four times a week, with a little bit of cardio and/or some yoga on my off days. I have some meal plans to follow, which means I won't be stressing about what to eat when, and the only supplements I will be taking are fish oil, protein powder, creatine, greens powder, recovery drink/BCAAs.


The road to success... Is always under construction. Life in Motion

Thursday, October 16, 2008


"Focus your energies not on what you want to change but rather on what you want to create." John Rahn

Post comp food

Post comp I had some treats on Sunday, then tried to get back into clean eating on Mon. I planned to have the week off training. By Wed night I'd had enough of being hungry (my metabolism is always racing after competing) and decided to eat what I wanted and take advantage of the extra food and have a killer workout on Thurs. That went well so ended up doing that for the past week. My hunger has abated a bit now, so am starting to get back on track with my eating, although food has been a bit odd this week. Our fridge started warming up late last week. Had someone come out to look at it on Tues, but in the meantime we'd been eating all the perishables before they went off. Turns out they needed to take the fridge away and give us a replacement, and that didn't happen until Thurs, so I've been walking down to the shops each morning to get half the day's food, then popping into the shops again after training in the afternoon to get the remainder of the day's food. As a result I have been eating more tinned food and protein powder than usual, but it's been nice not to do as much cooking.

Today's eats:
Meal 1: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, veges, cheese, baked beans
Meal 2: yoghurt, protein powder, almonds
Meal 3: tuna, large salad, olive/flax oil, cashews
Meal 4: tuna, large salad, olive/flax oil, walnuts
train (recovery drink)
Meal 5: lean meat, stir-fry veges, wild rice, fruit
Meal 6: buckwheat pancakes (made with egg whites), fruit

Am training shoulders with Rob soon so better get going. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Allium Family

Dr. Perricone's 10 Superfoods
No. 2: The Allium Family
Onions, Garlic, Chives, Leeks, Shallots and Scallions

If açaí is the most exotic food on this list, the Allium family of foods is perhaps the most humble. Garlic, onions, leeks and chives contain flavonoids that stimulate the production of glutathione (the tripeptide that is the liver's most potent antioxidant). Glutathione enhances elimination of toxins and carcinogens, putting the Allium family of vegetables at the top of the list for foods that can help prevent cancer. Here are just a few benefits from members of this family.

Lowers total cholesterol (but raises HDL—"good"—cholesterol)
Lessens the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces the risk of blood clots (cause of the majority of strokes and heart attacks)
Destroys infection-causing viruses and bacteria
Reduces the risk of certain cancers, in particular, stomach cancers
Produces more "natural killer" cells in the blood to fight tumors and infections
Helps fight against neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's
Enhances detoxification by reducing toxins

For optimum effect, eat garlic raw. Cooking can destroy some of the allicin compound, which is the active constituent.

Inhibit the growth of cancerous cells
Increase in HDL cholesterol (especially when eaten raw)
Reduce total cholesterol levels
Increase blood-clot dissolving activity
Help prevent colds
Stimulate the immune system
Reduce the risks of diabetes
Have antibacterial and antifungal properties
Reduce the risk of certain cancers
Help relieve stomach upset and other gastrointestinal disorders

Onions contain two powerful antioxidants, sulphur and quercetin—both help neutralize the free radicals in the body, and protect the membranes of the body's cells from damage.

Leeks have all of the healthy properties of the Allium family as described above. However leeks also contain these nutrients:
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C

This particular combination of nutrients makes leeks particularly helpful in stabilizing blood sugar, since they not only slow the absorption of sugars from the intestinal tract, but help ensure that they are properly metabolized in the body. Spikes in blood sugar accelerate aging, wrinkles and a host of degenerative diseases.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

16 weeks

That's how much prep time I reckon I need.

I usually compete at around 51kg. My body likes to sit at around 58kg in the off season. It's not the '5kg ideal' but it's where my weight has ended up prior to every comp prep, so I'm not going to fight it. My comp preps have usually been 10-11 weeks and I don't think that's long enough. Only once have I been happy with my level of leanness, and that was doing it hard in 10 weeks and losing some muscle along the way. So I reckon 16 weeks would be a good amount of time to lose about 7kg. Assuming a 'linear' rate of weight loss (yeah right!) that would give me 14 weeks to get the weight off, plus a couple of weeks up my sleeve.

Also, I have only ever tracked my prep progress by how I'm looking (photos) or, most recently, with weight. I think I would like to do it with calipers next time, so I have something to guage my progress against for future preps.

Planning Ahead

Rob and I have been doing a bit of talking about my training the last couple of days. I am going to be keeping it pretty basic, training three to four times a week, sticking to mostly compound exercises. We will try and train together as much as our schedules allow. Because I like to know where I'm going, I have periodised my training, breaking it into four-week blocks for the next 12 months or so. I'm planning to do skinfolds, measurements, photos and a little strength test at the start of each four-week block, so I can track my progress. Hopefully I will be able to increase my calories every couple of weeks as my lean mass increases. Looking forward to kicking off at the start of November.

Sunday, October 12, 2008



Darra Tores, 41-year-old Olympic swimmer

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I spoke to Michael Buna, head Victorian INBA judge, at posing practice the weekend before my show. He said I have nice symmetry, I just need to work on adding more size. He has seen my husband and said I should be eating what he's eating as it's obviously working for him. I laughed, as I do his nutrition and cook his food.

So I am going to try and do my own nutrition from now on.

I am also enlisting my husband's help in the gym. He has been doing weights for 20 years and we have trained together off and on for 14 years. He knows how hard to push me in the gym, and his background as a personal trainer and myotherapist means he knows what my structural weaknesses are and how to address them. He also has great shoulder development, which is something I aspire to. He believes that my body type requires short intense workouts with compound exercises, plenty of rest before training the same bodypart again, and no more than two days of training in a row. I agree with him. Watch this space...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

INBA Evening Show

Thanks to Lia for this pic - I love it!

INBA prejudging pics

That's me on the left, in a call-out with the top three. There were eight in our class.

Quick Update

Have lots to say but will make this a quick update while I am collecting my thoughts.

I ended up doing INBA intermediate figure on Sat and ANB novice figure on Sun. Didn't place at either show (think I was 'undercooked' by a couple of weeks) but I learnt a lot I can apply to my next comp season.

I probably won't receive professional pics until next week, so if anybody took any pics of me over the weekend, I would love to see them.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday and Friday done, almost

Didn't post yesterday as I was feeling a bit uncertain about how things were going. My final week this week is different to what I've done in the past (which was carb deplete and water load, then carb load and water deplete). This time round I'm doing a sodium deplete, potassium load. This would usually involve eating normally up until Thursday, then lowering sodium and increasing potassium on the Friday (apparently if sodium is lowered and potassium increases, potassium draws water from under the skin and into the muscles). However, because my diet consists pretty much of unprocessed foods, it's quite low in sodium to start with. So for the sodium/potassium switch to work I have had to increase my sodium to 'normal' levels the last few days. Which, along with the training I've done this week, has made me retain water. Not the look I'm going for. Started taking potassium about lunchtime today, and still have some more to take tonight and tomorrow morning, so hopefully I will be looking a bit tighter in the morning.

Have enjoyed having my hair and eyelashes done today though. Still want to practise my routine, then do nails and redo my bikini straps, so will sign off now.

Thanks to my family for their support this week!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday Done

Today went very quickly...

Bike workout done
Waxing done
Dog walked
Last heavy chest workout done
Elliptical workout done

Hi Dad!